Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Little Preview.

What do you ladies think? this is just a little something, but there's more! :-) Tell me what you think?


Monday, November 8, 2010

Modest-Teen Magazine Challenge!! Be in Our December Issue!!

Challenge Time!! Modest-Teen Magazine wants to know how you stay warm and modestly feminine in the winter. For our December issue we will be picking out 20 photo's to put in our magazine. Post YOUR picture of you staying Warm and Modestly Feminine in this cold weather. And we will pick 20 pictures by fan's voting.

Remember, Stay Warm, Stay Modest, Stay Feminine.

Can't wait to see what you ladies have! Post up to 5 pictures. Deadline: November 24th
 Please keep the pictures modest.

Any questions email me at coolirish5@yahoo.com and I'll get back to you asap!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Are You Planning your Week Right?

Before we plan our week out, ask yourself....Are you planning your week right? simple question, but many of us fail to answer.

Are we planning it around what we think is important? or what really is important?
Are we planning our week for God? or around God? Don't make your life so hard, If you need time off from something, such as facebook or the Internet or even your phone to focus on God, then do so.

Much too often we get caught up in life.

So this week plan your life with God in it, not just in the night before bed or when you wake up. But all through the day.


Friday, November 5, 2010

Our November Issue Cover.

This is Our Cover for the Magazine. :-)
What do you think? any feedback?